How do i get a real debrid account
How do i get a real debrid account

Login with the Real-Debrid account you just registered. Visit with your browser, enter the authorization code into the box exactly. Note that it's a temporary code that expires shortly, so we better hurry. A small window will pop up with an authorization code automatically generated, do not click Cancel now. Then click (Re)Authorize My Account from Real-Debrid section. From the Universal Resolvers tab, you can see there are multiple service that Exodus Redux support, scroll down until you find Real-Debrid. From the bottom of the option list, click on ResolveURL Settings. Here I use Exodus Redux as an example, the whole integration procedure for other video addons are pretty much the same. Launch Kodi, and open the video addon that you want to integrate Real-Debrid with. You can choose to upgrade your free Real-Debrid account to premium anytime. Then go to the Email account you use for registration to activate your account.

how do i get a real debrid account

On the popup window on the left side, fill in all the mandatary fields, accept the Terms Of Services and the Privacy Policy and click on Sign Up button to create your free Real-Debrid account.

how do i get a real debrid account

Go to Real-Debrid website:, click on Sign Up. First, you need a Real-Debrid account if you haven't had one already.

  • update your Kodi to the latest version to avoid potential issues.
  • For new users, install Kodi on your device to get started.

  • How do i get a real debrid account